Top-rated products in the Agenda category

Here's a ranking of the top rated products in this category. To give you a quick overview, we've also added some key information about the products.

1. Moleskine Notebook

1 settimana per pagina, a sinistra la settimana a colpo d'occhio, a destra spazio per appunti, calendario in inglese, linee oblique, adesivi per segnare date e appuntamenti importanti, chiusura ad elastico, fettuccia segnalibro, tasca a soffietto. Sostenibilità eco:plus: contenuto riciclato post-consumo max. 50%. Certificazione: FSC. 

Moleskine Notebook (19 x 25 cm, English)

Moleskine Notebook

19 x 25 cm, English

2. Moleskine Notizkalender

The Moleskine 12 months weekly notepad 2025 in XL offers a practical weekly overview on the left-hand side and a lined page for notes on the right-hand side. With its soft cover in elegant sapphire, it is both stylish and functional. Perfect for organising your year, it allows you to plan appointments and tasks efficiently while leaving space for creative thoughts and notes. This calendar is an indispensable tool for anyone who values structure and flexibility. Ideal for work and everyday life. 

Moleskine Notizkalender (19 x 25 cm, English)

Moleskine Notizkalender

19 x 25 cm, English

3. Moleskine Weekly calendar

The 18-month weekly note calendar from Moleskine runs from July to December. With weekly appointments on the left-hand page and a lined right-hand page with space for notes and ideas, this popular type of calendar is perfect for students, teachers and business people. 

Moleskine Weekly calendar (A6, Pocket, English)

Moleskine Weekly calendar

A6, Pocket, English

4. Moleskine Agenda de poche Weekly

1 semaine par page, page de gauche avec les jours de la semaine, page de droite pour les notes, calendrier en anglais, ligné travers, étiquettes adhésives pour mettre en évidence les dates et échéances importantes, fermeture par élastique, signet, pochette à soufflet, format 9 x 14 cm. Durabilité eco:plus: teneur en déchets recyclés après utilisation max. 50%. Certification: FSC. 

Moleskine Agenda de poche Weekly (A6, Pocket, English)

Moleskine Agenda de poche Weekly

A6, Pocket, English

5. Jolie Underwater

1 settimana su 2 pagine, copertina in PU con stampa a motivi e finitura in lamina, calendario in quattro lingue d/f/gb/nl, linee oblique, pagine aggiuntive annuali, mensili e per appunti, pagine Bullet Journal con sezione di pianificazione per ogni mese, pagine predefinite con to do list, liste della spesa, tracker delle abitudini, bucket list o ricette preferite, 240 pagine di cui 32 pagine perforate, anello per penna, chiusura ad elastico, comparto a scomparsa, fettuccia segnalibro, rilegatura a spirale, incl. foglio adesivo, formato A5. Sostenibilità eco:plus: riciclabile. Certificazione: FSC. 

Jolie Underwater (Cheer, German, French, Italian, English)
EUR41,06 was EUR45,90

Jolie Underwater

Cheer, German, French, Italian, English

6. Boltze Home Block calendar Manja, wood

Block calendar Manja. 12 months. For each calendar year. Material: MDF.

Boltze Home Block calendar Manja, wood (Quadrate, German)
only 2 of 2 remaining on sale
EUR7,26 was EUR9,90

Boltze Home Block calendar Manja, wood

Quadrate, German

7. Moleskine Daily calendar

1 day per page, rigid cover, calendar in anglais, 18 months, June to December, ligné verso, repertoire of addresses, labels attached to show important dates and events, elasticated closure, signature, pocketbooksives pour mettre en évidence les dates et échéances importantes, horaire scolaire, fermeture par élastique, signet, pochette à soufflet. Durabilité eco:plus: teneur en déchets recyclés après utilisation max. 50%. Certification: FSC. 

Moleskine Daily calendar (A5, English)

Moleskine Daily calendar

A5, English

8. Moleskine Tageskalender

The Moleskine Daily Diary/Planner is dated from January to December. It is formatted so that each day is displayed on its own page. This popular planner is available in a wide range of colours to capture every day of the year in detail. Dated from January to December 2025. Hard cover. Rounded corners, elasticated closure and matching ribbon bookmark. Ivory-coloured, 70 g/m², acid-free paper. Useful tools: Calendar, travel planning, ideas and destinations, lined pages for notes. Stickers to personalise your plans and year stickers for the spine. Colour-coordinated, expandable inside pocket. Loss" notice on the cover. Lies flat and can be opened 180°. The paper of this Moleskine item is made from material from well-managed, FSC-certified forests and other controlled sources. 

Moleskine Tageskalender (A5, English)

Moleskine Tageskalender

A5, English

9. Moleskine Agenda tascabile Daily

1 giorno per pagina, calendario in inglese, linee oblique, divisione a ore (08.00 - 20.00), adesivi per segnare date e appuntamenti importanti, chiusura ad elastico, fettuccia segnalibro, tasca a soffietto, formato 9 x 14 cm. Sostenibilità eco:plus: contenuto riciclato post-consumo max. 50%. Certificazione: FSC. 

Moleskine Agenda tascabile Daily (A6, Pocket, English)

Moleskine Agenda tascabile Daily

A6, Pocket, English

10. Jolie Weekly calendar

The appointment planner accompanies you through the year in a colourful and unusual way. A chic design is combined with practical functions that keep you well organised in your private and professional life. Always stylishly organised - with the trendy Jolie weekly calendar! The sturdy hardcover guarantees stability when writing. Colourful design with embossed imitation leather cover for a soft, special feel. 

Jolie Weekly calendar (A6, German)

Jolie Weekly calendar

A6, German