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Capcom announces remaster of "Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny"

Kevin Hofer
Translation: machine translated

What a feast for fans: The second instalment of Capcom's dormant series "Onimusha" is coming to modern platforms. The publisher has announced a remaster for 2025.

"Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny" was originally released in 2002 for the PS2. The announced remaster is to be released on PC, PS4, Switch and Xbox One. It is not yet clear when exactly, but it is expected to be released this year. This is the second remaster in the series, with the first instalment "Onimusha: Warlords" launching in 2019.

This is what "Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny" is all about

In the second Onimusha, you play Jubei Yagyu, who fights against the demon army of Nobunaga Oda. The latter has destroyed the Yagyu clan and Jubei seeks revenge. On his campaign, he meets other characters with similar goals and learns more about his origins, which enable him to kill demons.

The game retains the action elements of the first instalment. Jubei uses various weapons that can be upgraded with the souls of slain enemies. In addition to Jubei, the game offers four other playable side characters. Depending on how Jubei behaves, different characters will help him in his endeavour.

I loved "Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny" for these different storylines, which give the game a high replay value.

What you can expect from the remaster

If the remaster of the first part is an indicator for the remaster of the second part, the biggest update will probably be the improved graphics in HD. You shouldn't expect a remake like other Capcom franchises such as "Resident Evil 4". The game world will probably not be completely rebuilt, but simply wrapped in new high-resolution textures.

Hopefully a few quality of life features will still make it into the remaster. In the first part, for example, you couldn't skip the cutscenes like in the original, which not only seems antiquated from today's perspective, but also really annoying if you have to watch the same scene before the boss fight over and over again.

New game in the works

Capcom is currently working on a completely new title, which is due to be released in 2026 - 20 years after the last instalment, "Onimusha: Way of the Sword". According to producer Akihito Kadokwaki, the creators are focussing on three core aspects: engaging characters, a vibrant Kyoto - the main setting of the game - and the "ultimate swordplay action".

Header image: Capcom

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