David Looking at Things: ethernet cable
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David Looking at Things: ethernet cable

In this series, I take a look at things that usually get hardly any attention. Today’s edition: an ethernet cable with a name I don’t know.

I own an ethernet cable. Boring. The cable’s yellow. This doesn’t make it more interesting, only uglier if that. It’s also flat. This might be a helpful feature in a server room. In my apartment, however, the only thing it might do is make me tell jokes that fall flat. Let me tell you one:

What’s yellow, flat and can’t swim? A squashed excavator yellow ethernet cable.

I did, of course, check to see if this was actually true, after all, jokes aren’t a laughing matter. The answer? Yes, it’s true.

Sinking into oblivion.
Sinking into oblivion.
Source: David Lee

No, you can’t purchase this cable here. No, I’m not trying to sell you a cable. No, this isn’t covert advertising. No, customers don’t have the right to return jokes that don’t meet their expectations.

Other than that, there’s not much left to say. It’s a cable. It transmits data. Even now, after it’s had a bath. It isn’t IP7X certified. If that were the case, it would have to be fully functional under water. But it’s not, because I can’t hook it up when it’s in a water container. Right, I think I’ve said more than enough. See ya!

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My interest in IT and writing landed me in tech journalism early on (2000). I want to know how we can use technology without being used. Outside of the office, I’m a keen musician who makes up for lacking talent with excessive enthusiasm.

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