Copenhagen Trackers Cobblestone

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Product details

The Cobblestone from Copenhagen Trackers is an extremely compact and robust mobile GPS tracker. It enables you to track people, cars, motorbikes, bicycles, caravans and other mobile and valuable objects
over a longer period of time using GPS tracking and motion sensors. It is small, handy and suitable for almost any application thanks to its wide range of functions. The Cobblestone is the world's first GPS tracker that works without a subscription or monthly fees. It requires no external power supply and saves you high installation costs. The Cobblestone is a hassle-free tracker from Copenhagen, so to speak, and impresses with its simple installation and easy-to-use app. The Cobblestone tracker only needs to be shaken for about 30 seconds to start up. It then takes less than a minute to activate the Cobblestone: You enter the ID of the device via the app or the web interface. A name is then assigned to the device and a default profile is selected. The Cobblestone comes with five different tracking profiles that can be set in the app: - Live Tracking: The device sends a position on the first movement and then every 15 minutes after the last movement. It sends a position every week, even if it is not moved. - Motion: Triggered by movement. The battery life depends on usage. It sends a position after one hour without movement. The device does not send a position during movement. - Full throttle mode: Attention. This profile drains the battery in less than five weeks. It is recommended to use this mode if you need to locate a lost device. It sends a position every 10 minutes. - 24 hours: It sends one position per day. The battery lasts up to 4 years. It can take up to 24 hours to change the profile again. - 7 days: It sends one position per week. The battery lasts over 4 years. It can take up to 7 days to change the profile again.

Key specifications

GPS accessory type
GPS logger/tracker
Item number

General information

GPS navigation accessories
Manufacturer no.
Release date
Sales rank in Category GPS navigation accessories

GPS accessory properties

GPS accessory type
GPS logger/tracker

Battery properties


Product dimensions

65 mm
64 mm
23 mm
88 g

Package dimensions

9.80 cm
9.40 cm
3.40 cm
210 g

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